Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Happy Birthdays

Well, I'm a day late and a day early, but happy birthday to my brother, Phil, who celebrated his 20th yesterday. And happy birthday to my Grandma Waters, who celebrates another birtday tomorrow!! (I wonder, do people eventually get tired of having birthdays?)'s been a while since I posted, and for a good reason...I really don't have anything to type...

1 comment:

Talena said...

Happy birthdays passed via your blog! I hope you are feeling much better by now.

Hey, question for you: I'm from a charismatic and SDA background (long story), but am now attending the Baptist church. Although I don't think Baptists traditionally observe Lent, our pastor is still encouraging us to fast something or other for forty days. Do Salvationists observe Lent? I know very little about your denomination, so please forgive my ignorance. It came up, because I have some Catholic students who are (obviously) observing it right now. Just curious.