Monday, April 16, 2007

2 weeks in Calgary

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I moved back to Calgary, so I thought that I ought to write a post to keep things updated...

On April 2nd I had an interview down at the Centre of Hope (a facility operated by The Salvation Army in downtown Calgary that provides residential and additions services, as well as other services that are open to the community at large). The interview went well, and I started work there as a Client Services Worker on the 13th. I'm working the night shift (8pm to 8am) during the second half of the week (alternating Wednesdays, Thursday, Friday, Saturday). So far I've only worked two shifts, one of which was during the day for orientation. This job is great, not only am I enjoying the work, but I was also able to have my personnel file transferred, meaning that I won't have to wait the 3 months probation to get benefits, etc. There is a chance for overtime since the Centre is, like most places in Alberta, short staffed. For now I'll stick with my 40 hours though.

In the two weeks between my interview and starting work I was able to just spend some time with my parents helping with a few things at the church.

It is good to be home though. I am enjoying my mother's cooking, having at least a bit of a social life, and being involved at church again.