Friday, January 28, 2005

A bit of an emotional Thursday for me...

Thursday night was my last Thursday with the Jr. Action group for a long time. We had 7 of the kids out, 5 of whom I taught prep classes to. I'm going to miss the kids at the corps! I knew that I'd miss them, but realizing that this was my last time with them in that setting was really saddening for me. It took a bit of effort not to cry at times.

I did a lesson on Australia and the Salvation Army in that country at the request of Jr. Soldier Sgt. Catherine Phipson. I had prepared a lesson on PowerPoint, saved it to the memory card in my digital camera, and then I left the USB cable to connect the camera to the laptop at home. I ended up doing up a bit of a rough lesson on the laptop from scratch based on what I could remember, but I wasn't too happy about it. Oh well.

For our activity, the kids wrote letters to the Metcalf's...Canadian SA officers stationed in Australia at the Eastern Territory's Officer Training College.

Anyways, here are some pictures from the evening.
Rachel working on her letter. Posted by Hello
Rachel (there's two of them!) looking rather frightening! Posted by Hello
Jullianne is not quite so focused here. Posted by Hello
Here's the crew!! Posted by Hello
David and Catherine working on a letter together. Posted by Hello
Derek drew a picture of a Tasmanian Devil for our Aussie friends. Posted by Hello
Alannah concentrating on her letter. Posted by Hello
Tara giving me a smile. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Youth Group Bowling and other stuff.

This past weekend was a fairly busy one, but it was thoroughly enjoyable! It started off with a suprise birthday party for me. Last Wednesday was my 21st birthday, so a few friends suprised me with a party...actually I think my parents arranged it...I'm not really sure on that. I was actually asleep on the couch in our family room when everyone was arriving. They all came, put their coats in the next room, and waited around for a bit without me knowing a thing. Then they woke me up. I was completely dazed and confused!! It took me a while to get myself fully aware again. But we had a good time, and people were very generous in their gifts (HUGE THANKS GUYS!!). After that most of us went directly to DYB practice. This was my last practice before leaving, and it went very well. After practice we went to Boston Pizza. I got my usual Spicy Perogy Pizza!! I love that one!!!! I got home sometime a little before or after 1am (I really can't remember). DYB practice resumed at 9am Saturday morning, again lots of fun. We continued our tradition and went to Wendy's for lunch. Thanks to Michael for the gift certificate, it bought me lunch for that day.

I spent an hour and a half standing on a SA Kettle at Chinook Mall Saturday afternoon as part of the Salvation Army's fundraising efforts for the Tsunami Relief Fund. I was greatly encouraged by the generosity of Calgarians, and the time passed relatively quickly.

That evening our youth group went bowling. I hadn't bowled in quite a long time, so I enjoyed it. We were there for two hours (I actually only stayed for the first hour). Brianna, my friends daughter and one of the kids from my Sunday School class took many picture with my camera, and I've posted some below. You have to click on "January 2005" under the archived posts to view all the pictures, they don't all fit on this page.

After bowling a group of us went back to Jackie's place (Brianna's mom) to watch Pirates of the Caribbean.

Sunday morning our church said good-bye to Alicia and I. We both participated in the service, Alicia led a song and read scripture. I was asked to give my testimony and lead a song. A luncheon was also held following the service. I'll actually be at church next week, but many people, including Alicia and my parents will be away next weekend in Edmonton because of the Breakforth Conference there (you always need a good reason to go to Edmonton).

I had Small Groups on Sunday evening, but I didn't go. Having been out late both Friday and Saturday night I figured I should get some sleep before going back to work Monday morning.

Tuesday was my last day at work. I've got the next week and a half to relax, get ready to go, and spend some time with my parents. Most of my preparations are complete now. I just need to get my money order to pay for my tuition and health insurance. I also need to pack, but that will come together over the next bit. We're now down to 10 days until we go...well, it's nearly Wednesday now, so I'll say it's 9 days to go.

Take care everyone.
This is Brianna, our photographer for the evening. I don't know who took this picture. Posted by Hello
Brianna didn't really know what she was doing with my camera, and a few funky pics resulted. Personally I wish I could do that... Posted by Hello
One of these three people actually go to my church. I don't know the name of the guy on the left, he's a friend of the girl in the middle (Steph), who's a friend of Steve, on the right, who actually attends Glenmore Temple. Posted by Hello
Now that's a good picture of Courtney (yes, that's as good as her looks get). Posted by Hello
The members of the Calgary Police Service try to keep up a good profile in the community. This one wandered in and joined our Youth Group. Posted by Hello

John the Giant and Sgt. Robert McLeod of the Calgary Police Service. Posted by Hello
Guy girl #1 (Lindsay). Posted by Hello
Guy girl #2 (Ashley). Posted by Hello
Nathan taking a picture of Brianna taking a picture of Nathan taking a picture of Brianna taking a picture of Nathan taking a picture of...well, you get the idea. Posted by Hello
Brotherly love. Posted by Hello
Nathan and Michael are dating the Guy girls...what are those girls thinking? Posted by Hello

Michael lives in a world a little different than you and me...but then again, he is a graduated theology student. Posted by Hello
Another funky pic. Posted by Hello
Another funky picture. Posted by Hello
A picture of a dark bowling alley, with Nathan off to the side. Posted by Hello
This is Paul...I don't really have anything to say about him...although I should mention that this is one of his quieter don't often find him sitting still quietly. Posted by Hello
Don't pick anything too sappy girls. Posted by Hello