Sunday, January 29, 2006

A weekend of love, grace and some good laughs...oh, and judgement!!

Hello all from wonderful, lovely, beautiful, fantastic Calgary, Alberta!!

This weekend I was in Edmonton, the capital city of our province, located 300 kms to the north of Calgary (for those who are not familiar with Canadian geography). The experience has given me a greater appreciation for the wonderful city that I live in. I found Edmonton's downtown, where I was, to be very smelly, and the weather was not overly pleasant...but nevertheless, it was a wonderful weekend (for the most part) and here's why.

I was in Edmonton (formerly the City of Champion's, now known as the City North of Calgary and home to Canada's worst hockey team) for the Breakforth Canada conference. Breakforth is an annual Christian ministry and worship conference held in Edmonton. This is the first time I've attended and it was a great time. There were some fantastic speakers, including Ken Davis (so very funny!!) and K.P. Yohannan (President and founder of Gospel for Asia). I attended 4 workshops by Dan Kimball, a pastor of a emerging church congregation in Santa Cruz, which were very interesting, as well as one workshop on storytelling for children. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the workshops and the majority of the speakers.

During the Saturday morning main session a fairly well-known Christian speaker and author addressed those attending. I am hesitant to mention his name, because many people will recognise it and I don't really have much good to say about him. I will say that he has written soem excellent books and much of his ministry in the past has been extremely worthwhile and beneficial for many, many people. However, during this session he gave a very strong message, setting very limited and demanding perameters for discipleship, many of which were very valid and true, however I did have a problem with his actual presentation in that it did not give much grace to the humanity of those attending. After his teaching time, he offered an opportunity for a response, inviting people who felt convicted and led to come forward. After many people had gone forward, he gave a "last opportunity to respond." Little did those of us who had not responded know what was coming next...and I doubt those who had responded had any better idea of what was to come. This man proceeded to call upon the authority of a prophet of God, and with that authority called down the judgement of God upon those of us who had not responded then and there.

This does not agree with my understanding of the nature of God and I wholeheartedly believe that the man was in fact not speaking as a prophet of God. I know God to be loving, merciful and gracious, and a call for judgement is none of these things. I also know that God is just, but He has appointed a Day of Judgement, however we have not reached that yet. I know that because of the description of that Day given in the book of Revelation. And so I believe that God has in store much, much more grace for us and that He is withholding His judgement until that Day.

Saturday evening K.P. Yohannan spoke, covering pretty much the same points as had been covered that morning, but he spoke out of love and compassion for people and a deep, deep love for Christ. He demonstrated the true grace and love of Christ in a way that I have not seen many times in a person.

After the evening session with K.P. Yohannan, some friends and I went to see Panic Squad. Panic Squad is a group of three guys who live in Vancouver and do clean improv professionally. I'd seen them before and they are simply fantastic at what they do. Very, very funny, but they keep things very clean. Improv is so much fun!! They put on a great evening and received a standing ovation at the end of it.

We left the conference early to get back to Calgary a bit early. One person in our group had his birthday on Sunday and wanted to get home because he and his wife were going out for dinner. I had also wanted to leave because I had to work that evening and wanted a bit of down time between travelling and working.

Overall, a fantastic weekend. Got to spend a lot of time with good friends and heard some great speakers, learned stuff and was inspired in my faith.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Hello, Bonjour, G'day, and whatever else!!

Well, the past week has been interesting. Last Friday night I quit my job...without a new one. That led to a rather heated "discussion" with my parents. Although I did have a good proper conversation with my dad later that was very good. So, I found myself without a job. I had an interview the Wednesday before that, but didn't actually have the job. The decision to quit was foolish, irrational and stupid, but I made it and had to deal with it.

So, I've spent the week hoping to hear back on the interview and sending in resumes to all sorts of places for all sorts of jobs. I had a bunch of tests to complete for my application for the College for Officer Training, so I finished all those. And I'm preaching this Sunday at my church, so I've been working on two sermons, which I love!! Preaching is so enjoyable!! And the preparation is lots of fun!! The reading, research and art of constructing a sermon - GOT TO LOVE IT!!

Monday I met Jackie (my best friend) for lunch, which was good. We talked and hung out for a while. After being away from my friends for nine months I've really learned to appreciate them!! It was great to meet new people and make new friends, but my friends in Calgary are friends I've had for over 5 years now, and it's good to be back with them.

This morning, I had a great start to my day!! I got a phone call from the company that I had the interview with over a week ago, offering me the job, so I start on Monday. So, I am going to be an Order Selector for BridgeBrand. I won't be a great job, but it pays pretty well and is full-time, so I'm happy. Now I have a job and don't have to worry about that.

I got a new CD this week. Got to love GST refund cheques...actually, I got two new CD's. One is an older Planetshakers CD "Phenomena" which is good. But I also got the Third Day CD "Wherever You Are" and it is GREAT!! I particularly love the words to the song "Communion." Having grown up in the Salvation Army, I haven't really practiced the sacrament of Communion much...not until more recent years had I ever taken part, and now only once or twice a year, but it is something that means a great deal to me. Here are some of the words to the song:

This is the body
This is the blood
Broken and poured out
For all of us
In this communion
We share in His love
This is the body
This is the blood
I will remember everything, Lord
That You've done for me
I won't take for granted
The sacrifice that set me free
I hunger and thirst for Your love
Come fill me today
We hunger and thirst for Your love
And Your righteousness
We long for Your presence here, Lord
Be with us again
Okay, so that's the whole song, but it's fairly short and I couldn't pick a section that I'd prefer over the others, so there it is. I love the song because it, in many ways summerises exactly what my faith is about and also why the sacrament of communion is so important. Communion is more than just a little piece bread and a bit of wine (or grape juice), it is anything that causes us to share in the love of Christ, particularly with rememberance of His sacrifice.
Take care and have a good one!!