Monday, January 29, 2007

Time for a break...

Well, I finally have a bit of real quality down time. I have worked without a day off since the 14th. With 2 jobs I am working 7 days a week now and I'm still adjusting to the pace of work at Boston Pizza. I must say that I really do enjoy both of my jobs, but I do need a bit of a breather from time to time. So I have this afternoon and tomorrow off (with pay). The Army owed me a bit of time from Christmas, so I'm collecting on some of that today and tomorrow. Hopefully this'll give me that chance to catch up on some school work, cleaning, laundry and (hopefully) some rest.

Earlier this afternoon I was at the dentist getting a couple of fillings...the freezing still hasn't worn is the weirdest sensation. I've never had freezing in my mouth before. The whole experience was decidedly unpleasant, not to mention expensive.

I've been enjoying reading several blogs lately, and one that I have found particularly interesting is that of Graeme Smith, a Salvationist who lives in Latvia (but is from the UK). I'm adding a link to his blog to the sidebar. Check it out, it is definately worth it!

Anyways, I should probably go and do something productive with the time I have.

Take care all!

1 comment:

Graeme Smith said...

Thanks for the plug Jason! Hope you application goes well and that we'll be fellow Witnesses for Christ in our respective Territory's.

God bless,