Monday, July 02, 2007

Still alive...

Well, I have now been in Edmonton for 3 weeks, or very near that. And it has been just under one week since we moved into our house here. I am really starting to feel more settled.

I am loving my job!! I am excited about the opportunity for me to learn and grow, as well as the potential for ministry and partnerships. I have just finished my first training course - Standard First and CPR (scary thought - I've spent 3 summers at camp and however many more years working with kids and I've never taken a First Aid course before now). So now, instead of not knowing what to do, I'll simply not remember what to do...(joking...really...)

Yesterday I was at Edmonton Temple for church. It was the installation of Captains Don and Donna Bladen. They have 4 children (they must be nuts!!). I also had my first cell phone call during Don's sermon (the phone was on vibrate - not ringer mode). I was sitting in the band and had to leave the service for a bit...kind of awkward on my first day up there. I was also back in the trombone section for the first time in years...that was interesting...I remembered my slide positions luckily enough, but dropping down and switching back to Bb was a bit awkward for the first'll take some time.

I'm definately feeling positive about all of this!!


Heather Princess said...

Sounds exciting Jason! I know Don & Donna...I used to baby sit their girls when they were in Training college...there were only 2 kids at that time though!

Michael D said...


Are you able to come to Music Camp next month? Hope all is well in the "City of Champions" Busy down here this week with the Stampede. Looking forward to it and of course, for it to be done. It's been busy down the Centre as well but they are hiring a few more people. Hope to see you around soon... if you need a place to stay in Calgary, look me up.
