Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Special moments...

I love special moments, especially special God moments. The latest came to me by way of e-mail. I got an e-mail from my friend Leslie yesterday, and in it she told me a story that really hit home for me. Interesting enough, the story was about something she heard that was really special for her. She wrote about a quote that she heard a speaker use during a talk she attended recently. Here's the quote: "Have faith that you are where you are meant to be." Those who have talked to me in recently months or have been reading my posts know that I've been struggling with things. I've been having a tough time finding my spot in lfe in Peace River. Work has been discouraging at times. But in the past few weeks I've been learning to accept life as it is for me right now. I've been learning to allow myself to settle into my life here. And really I've been learning to "have faith that I am where I am meant to be." And reading that little sentence in an e-mail meant a lot to me right now. It has helped to put into a single thought many thoughts that I have been struggling with recently.

It's kind of interesting how what one person said to someone impacted that person, but in sharing that thought another person is impacted. I have heard it said many times, that you never know what impact you have on others and what the cumulative effect of that imptact is.

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