Monday, December 13, 2004

One more step complete...

Well, I have finished one more step towards going to Australia. I both filed my Student Visa Application today and received notice that my application has been processed and accepted. Which means that from today to December 13, 2005 I am legally entitled to study in Australia at the Salvation Army's School for Youth Leadership. I filed my application online this afternoon and it was accepted within one hour of when I completed the application. Hopefully Alicia will receive word on her visa application soon as well.

There are now 52 days until we leave for Australia, and 57 until our course commences. It is hard to believe that it is getting so close!! It doesn't seem all that long ago that it was January when I decided to apply. I don't think that I really believe at the time that I'd be accepted, let alone that things would got so smoothly in getting everything that needs to be done, done. We are both a bit scared about going, but we know that we will be together during our travelling and that God will be with us throughout the entire time, as He is at all times.

I trust that everything is going well for all of you. If I haven't heard from you for a while, drop me a note. If you haven't heard from me for a while, drop me a note and yell at me about it. I'll try to keep my progress up to date on here.

Bye for now!

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