Greetings and warm salutations to all!
I trust that life is treating all of you well. Life has been VERY good to me lately.
Last night I enjoyed watching the Calgary Hitmen destroy and humiliate the Prince Albert Raiders, with a final score of 6-0...which meant that we all got coupons for a free Wendy's burger.
Okay, now for the REALLY exciting news (at least I'm excited about it). Things are really beginning to look up for Australia. A couple of weeks ago I was starting to get nervous about things, but now things are looking good. Through a highly recommended travel agent we have found a flight to Australia for a pretty good price. I'll be flying with Cathay Pacific, an airliner based out of Hong Kong. They are known for excellent service. I took a look at their website ( and I feel very good about flying with them.
My flight will leave Vancouver at 1:45am on February 3rd. We'll fly to Hong Kong for an hour stopover, and then continue on to Sydney. I'll take a WestJet flight or something to Vancouver on the 2nd. School doesn't start until February 8, so that'll give Alicia and me some time to rest up and adjust to Australian time. FYI - Australia is about 18 hours ahead of Calgary time, or 16 hours ahead of Ottawa/Toronto/London(ON)...otherwise known at Eastern Time...sorry Liz, that also includes Thunder Bay.
Work is going as well as possible for a job I really don't like. My driver and I get along well most of the time. Today I had no work, as Rememberance Day is a stat holiday in Alberta. I only have 6 more paycheques left before I'll be done this job...a thought that helps me get through each day.
Tonight is the last night of the Junior Soldier Prep. classes that I've been teaching. The next few Thursday evenings I'll be doing catch-up classes for kids who missed lessons. Those being enrolled will be presented to the corps in a public enrollment on December 12, so those of you who attend Glenmore be sure to be out that Sunday to support them!!
Keep in touch!