Monday, August 07, 2006

A weekend away

Hi all,

Well, it is Monday evening and I'm getting ready to finish up a great weekend in Calgary. I decide Friday afternoon to catch the coach down to Calgary for the long weekend. I arrived in early Saturday morning and took a cab to my parents' house.

My brother was a little suprised to see me, as evidenced by him and the neighbour pounding on the bathroom door while I was in the shower demanding to know who was in there...

I had dinner with him and his girlfriend Saturday evening and got to know her a well as drive my brother nuts by threatening to grant her request for embarrassing stories. I also got to talk to my aunt in Florida on the phone that evening...something I don't get to do very often.

Sunday I was at my old home church here in Calgary and played in the band. I played first cornet after not playing an instrument at all for two months which was...interesting. But good practice before Music Camp later in the week. I spent lunch and part of the afternoon with a some friends, featuring a beautiful roast with veggies and Yorkshire Pudding, with fudge pudding for desert. I also got to see Michael and Lindsay's new house, which is very nice.

At 8pm this evening I will catch the Greyhound back up north, with an arrival time in Peace River at 6:45am tomorrow morning. I hope to get lots of sleep on the trip up, since I have to work in the morning. But I've had a very relaxing time and enjoyed myself.

Friday I will catch another bus down to the southern part of the province for Music Camp. I'll see my parents there, which I know they are looking forward to. They were disappointed that they were so far away when they heard that I'd come down for the weekend. I knew they weren't going to be here, I just needed to get away from Peace River for a few days.

Anyways, that's all from Calgary.

Take care all!!

1 comment:

Fred and Wendy said...

You bet we were sorry to have missed you...but we will see you later this week so that is a delight to your elderly, sentimental parents!