Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I'm back!!

It has been a few months (4 or so) since I last posted, but you can expect me to be posting here more frequently now. There is now less that 2 weeks remaining before I'll be leaving Australia and heading home!! I've really enjoyed my time here and learned way more than I could have hoped...and I believe I've done a fair bit of growing up as well. But as great as this experience has been, I am looking forward to getting home later this month.

Tomorrow is a day of silence and, for some of us, fasting. The fasting is optional, with a simple lunch being offered (but to be eaten in silence). The day is to be spent praying, reading scripture and listening to God. The purpose is to seek and experience renewal, refreshing, rejuvination, and more "re-" words...hence the name of the day "RE: Day." I am looking forward to it...it should be a great experience and something different from what I've done in the past.

So much to write about...and yet nothing specifically coming to mind...well, I guess I'll just write again later when I come up with something. Once I get home I'll go through my pictures and post the "best of..."

Take care all and God bless!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've done a whole lot of growing, except I am still bigger then you.